Langage : Ruby
Posté le 13 juillet 2016
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #============================================================================== # ** RME DocGenerator #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # With: # Nuki # Grim # Joke # #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # ** Doc Generator #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make the documentation of RME #============================================================================== module DocGenerator class << self #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Json file #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def to_json result = RME::Doc.commands.each do |category, data| puts "Generate #{category}.json" json_data = [ "{\"name\":\"#{data[:name]}\",\"desc\":\"#{data[:desc]}\",", "\"commands\":[#{rdoc(data[:commands])}]}" ].join('') result << json_data end a = "var documentation = [" + result.join(',') + "];\n" puts "Generate Samples" a += 'var rme_samples = ' + ASample.to_json + ";\n" end # A continuer ! Gestion des paramètres et tout :D def rdoc(commands) kname = lambda{|x| (x =~ /.+\.(.+)/) && $1} res = commands.each do |name, data| puts "Generate #{name}.json" h = [ "{\"name\":\"#{kname.(name)}\", ", "\"description\":\"#{data[:description]}\", ", "\"returnable\":#{data[:returnable]},", "\"parameters\":[#{params(data[:attributes])}]" ].join('') f = '}' res << h + f end res.join(',') end def params(parameters) res = parameters.each do |name, t| res << "{\"name\":\"#{name}\", \"desc\":\"#{t[0]}\", \"type\":\"#{t[1]}\"}" end return res.join(',') end end #============================================================================== # ** Doc Generator in Markdown #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make the documentation of RME #============================================================================== module Markdown #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Singleton #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extend self #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Markdown tags #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def header(t); ""; end def footer; ""; end def nl; " \n"; end def np; "\n"*2; end def title(size, value); ("#"*size) + value.to_s + "\n"; end def strong(value); "**#{value}**"; end def strong_t(value, n=""); '##### '+value.to_s; end def italic(value); "*#{value}*"; end def ul; ""; end def end_ul; np; end def li(item); "* #{item}"+"\n"; end def enum(t, v); li("**#{t}** : #{v}"); end def code(lang, snippet); "```#{lang}"+nl+snippet+nl+"```"; end def inline_code(c); "`#{c}`"; end def table(*titles) titles.join("|") + nl + (["---"] * titles.length).join(" | ") + nl end def tr(*values); values.join("|") + nl; end def end_table; ""; end def blockquote(s); "> #{s}"+np; end def link(text, url); "[#{text}](#{url})"; end def line; " \n- - - \n"; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Data Navigation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index; "README"; end def cmdindex; "Liste des commandes"; end def clindex; "Classes et modules"; end def extension; "md"; end end #============================================================================== # ** Doc Generator in HTML #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make the documentation of RME #============================================================================== module HTML #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Singleton #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extend self #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Markdown tags #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def header(t) "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='utf-8' /><title>#{t}</title></head>" end def footer; "</body></html>"; end def nl; " \n"; end def np; "<br /><br />"; end def title(size, value); ("<h#{size}>") + value.to_s + "</h#{size}>\n"; end def strong(value); "<strong>#{value}</strong>"; end def strong_t(value, n=""); "<strong name='#{n}' id='#{n}'>#{value}</strong>"; end def italic(value); "<i>#{value}</i>"; end def ul; "<ul>"; end def end_ul; "</ul>"; end def li(item); "<li>#{item}</li>"+"\n"; end def enum(t, v); li("<strong>#{t}</strong> : #{v}"); end def code(lang, snippet); "<pre><code class='#{lang}'>"+nl+snippet+nl+"</code></pre>"; end def inline_code(c); "<code>#{c}</code>"; end def table(*titles) "<table border='1'><tr><th>" + titles.join("</th><th>") + "</th></tr>" end def tr(*values); "<tr><td>"+values.join("</td><td>") + "</td></tr>"; end def end_table; "</table>"; end def blockquote(s); "<blockquote>#{s}</blockquote>"; end def link(text, url); "<a href='#{url}'>#{text}</a>"; end def line; "<hr />"; end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Data Navigation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index; "index"; end def cmdindex; "Liste des commandes"; end def clindex; "Classes et modules"; end def extension; "html"; end end #============================================================================== # ** Do #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Make the documentation of RME #============================================================================== module Do #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Singleton #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extend self #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Index #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def index(mdl) mdl.index + "." + mdl.extension end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Command Index #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cmdindex(mdl) mdl.cmdindex + "." + mdl.extension end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Class Index #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def clindex(mdl) mdl.clindex + "." + mdl.extension end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * File name #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def filename(mdl, classname) classname.to_s.gsub(":", "_").gsub(".", "_") + "." + mdl.extension end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Front page (header) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_header(mdl) h = mdl.header("") t = mdl.title(1, RME::Doc.vocab[:title]) d = RME::Doc.vocab[:desc] + h + t + d end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create class page (header) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_class_header(mdl, classname) h = make_header(mdl) a =[:index], index(mdl)) a = a + " > " +[:cl_title], clindex(mdl)) a = a + " > " + mdl.strong(classname) t = mdl.title(1, classname) d = RME::Doc.schema[classname][:description] + h + a + mdl.line + t + d end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Command page (header) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_cmd_header(mdl, classname) h = make_header(mdl) a =[:index], index(mdl)) a = a + " > " +[:cmd_title], cmdindex(mdl)) a = a + " > " + mdl.strong(RME::Doc.commands[classname][:name]) t = mdl.title(1, RME::Doc.commands[classname][:name]) d = RME::Doc.commands[classname][:desc] + h + a + mdl.line + t + d end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create attribute list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_class_attributes(mdl, classname) k = RME::Doc.schema[classname][:attributes] if k.length > 0 t = mdl.title 2, RME::Doc.vocab[:l_attr] t += mdl.table(RME::Doc.vocab[:l_name], RME::Doc.vocab[:l_desc]) k.each do |atr, desc| t +=, desc) end return t + mdl.end_table end "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Method list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_class_methods(mdl, c, title_i = RME::Doc.vocab[:m_desc], title_c = RME::Doc.vocab[:m_list], proc = IDENTITY, snip = true) k = Hash[c.sort] if k.length > 0 ls = mdl.title 2, title_c + mdl.ul t = mdl.title 2, title_i k.each do |name, data| desc = data[:description] atr = data[:attributes] ret = data[:returned] inline_args = "" inline_args2 = "" atr_list = "" atr_list = mdl.table(RME::Doc.vocab[:l_name], RME::Doc.vocab[:l_type], RME::Doc.vocab[:l_desc]) if atr.length > 0 atr.each do |name, dt| inline_args2 += name.to_s + "-" inline_args += name.to_s+ ", " atr_list +=, mdl.inline_code(dt[1]), dt[0]) end name = || name atr_list += mdl.end_table inline_args = inline_args[0...-2] inline_args = (atr.length == 0 ? "" : "(#{inline_args})") inline_args2 = inline_args2[0...-1] name2 = name.to_s.gsub("*", "").gsub("?", "").gsub("!", "").gsub(".", "").downcase inline_args2 = (atr.length == 0 ? "" : "#{inline_args2}".gsub("*", "").gsub("?", "").gsub("!", "").gsub(".", "").downcase) t += mdl.strong_t("#{name}#{inline_args}", "#{name2}#{inline_args2}") snippet = "" snippet = + make_class_snippet(mdl, c[name]) + if snip t += + mdl.blockquote(desc) + + mdl.blockquote(atr_list) + snippet ls +="#{name}#{inline_args}", "#{'#'+"#{name2}#{inline_args2}"}")) end return ls + mdl.end_ul + t end return "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Commands list #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_cmd_methods(mdl, classname) kname = lambda{|x| (x =~ /.+\.(.+)/) && $1} make_class_methods(mdl, classname, RME::Doc.vocab[:cmd_desc], RME::Doc.vocab[:cmd_list], kname, false) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Snippets #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_class_snippet(mdl, c) if c[:snippet] t = RME::Doc.vocab[:l_sample] + t += mdl.code("ruby", c[:snippet]) + return t end "" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create class page #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_class_page(mdl, klass, index, output) name = filename(mdl, klass) index +=, name)) page = make_class_header(mdl, klass) page += make_class_attributes(mdl, klass) page += make_class_methods(mdl, RME::Doc.schema[klass][:methods]) page += mdl.footer"#{output}/#{name}", 'w') do |f| f.write(page) end p "#{name} created!" return index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create command page #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_command_page(mdl, c, command, index, output) fname = filename(mdl, "command_#{c}") index +=[:name], fname)) page = make_cmd_header(mdl, c) page += make_cmd_methods(mdl, RME::Doc.commands[c][:commands]) page += mdl.footer"#{output}/#{fname}", 'w') do |f| f.write(page) end p "#{fname} created!" return index end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create command index page #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_command_index_page(mdl, output) h = make_header(mdl) a =[:index], index(mdl)) a = a + " > " + mdl.strong(RME::Doc.vocab[:cmd_title]) l = mdl.ul Hash[RME::Doc.commands.sort].each do |c, command| l = make_command_page(mdl, c, command, l, output) end l += mdl.end_ul page = h + a + mdl.line + l + mdl.footer + "/" + cmdindex(mdl), 'w'){|f| f.write(page)} p "#{cmdindex(mdl)} created!" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create class index page #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_class_index_page(mdl, output) h = make_header(mdl) a =[:index], index(mdl)) a = a + " > " + mdl.strong(RME::Doc.vocab[:cl_title]) l = mdl.ul Hash[RME::Doc.schema.sort].each do |klass, i| l = make_class_page(mdl, klass, l, output) end l += mdl.end_ul page = h + a + mdl.line + l + mdl.footer + "/" + clindex(mdl), 'w'){|f| f.write(page)} p "#{clindex(mdl)} created!" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create index page #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make_index_page(mdl, output) h = make_header(mdl) a = mdl.strong(RME::Doc.vocab[:index]) l = mdl.ul l +=[:cmd_title], cmdindex(mdl))) l +=[:cl_title], clindex(mdl))) l += mdl.end_ul s = + mdl.strong(RME::Doc.vocab[:links]) + mdl.line + mdl.ul RME::Doc.links.each{|k,v| s +=, v))} s += mdl.end_ul page = h + a + mdl.line + l + s + mdl.footer + "/" + index(mdl), 'w'){|f| f.write(page)} p "#{index(mdl)} created!" end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create documentation #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def make(mdl, output) make_index_page(mdl, output) make_class_index_page(mdl, output) make_command_index_page(mdl, output) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Singleton #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class << self #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Render Doc in Markdown #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def markdown(output) Do.make(Markdown, output) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Render Doc in HTML #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def html(output) Do.make(HTML, output) end end #============================================================================== # ** Check #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Provide documentation fixer (for commands) #============================================================================== module Checker #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Singleton #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class << self attr_accessor :documented_methods attr_accessor :undocumented_methods attr_accessor :orphans attr_accessor :raw_methods attr_accessor :commands #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Run #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run(output, out_gen, ee=nil) get_raw_methods Checker.documented_methods = Checker.undocumented_methods = Checker.orphans = Checker.commands = Command.singleton_methods - RME::Doc.internals get_raw_methods each_commands_methods save_report(output, out_gen) #ee_report(ee) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Process EE report #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ee_report(ee) g = "" eecmd = EE4::Command_Description.singleton_methods total = eecmd + Checker.commands eev = eecmd.length rmev = {|k| eecmd.include?(k)}.length total = total.uniq.sort.collect do |m| rme_call = "-" ee_call = "-" if eecmd.include?(m) ee_call = "#{m}" h = EE4::Command_Description.send(m) if h[:args] && h[:args].length > 0 k = h[:args].collect{|a| ((a[:default]) ? "*" : "") + a[:name].downcase[/^\w*/]} ee_call += "(" +k.join(",")+")" end end if Command.singleton_methods.include?(m) rme_call = "#{m}" h = Command.method(m).parameters if h.length > 0 k = h.collect{|k| ((k[0] == :req) ? "" : "*") + k[1].to_s} rme_call += "(" +k.join(",")+")" end end "#{rme_call}\t#{ee_call}" end g += total.join("\n") g = "RME\tEE(#{rmev}/#{eev})\n" + g FileTools.write(ee, g) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Return all documented raw methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_raw_methods Checker.raw_methods = RME::Doc.commands.each do |category, cmds| all_cmds = cmds[:commands].keys.collect {|i| (i.to_s =~ /.+\.(.+)/) && $1} Checker.raw_methods += all_cmds.collect(&:to_sym) end end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Iteration on each methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def each_commands_methods Checker.documented_methods = {|i| raw_methods.include?(i)} Checker.undocumented_methods = Checker.commands - Checker.raw_methods Checker.undocumented_methods.delete(:method_missing) Checker.orphans = Checker.raw_methods - Checker.documented_methods - Checker.undocumented_methods end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Save report #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save_report(o, b) g = "" r = "Report,\n" r += "\# #{RME::Doc.vocab[:documented]}," r += "#{Checker.documented_methods.length}/#{Checker.commands.length}\n,\n" r += "\# #{RME::Doc.vocab[:undocumented]},\# #{RME::Doc.vocab[:suggest]}\n" Checker.undocumented_methods.each do |c| m = RME::Doc.schema[:Command][:methods]["Command.#{c}".to_sym] t = "Commande documentée mais non enregistrée" if m n = RME::Doc.to_fix.collect {|i| (i.to_s =~ /.+\.(.+)/) && $1} n = n.collect(&:to_s).sort_by{|o| o.damerau_levenshtein(c.to_s)} t = "Modifier l'enregistrement [#{n[0]}] par [#{c}]" if n.length >= 1 && (n[0].damerau_levenshtein(c.to_s)) < 3 t ||= "Aucune suggestion" r += "#{c},#{t}\n" if t == "Aucune suggestion" g += "\# AUTOGenerated for #{c}\n" g += "link_method_documentation 'Command.#{c}', \n" params = Command.method(c).parameters g += "\t'Your description',\n \t{" g += "\n" if params.length > 0 # Get args args = params.each do |p| g += "\t\t" g += ":\"*#{p[1]}\"" if p[0] == :opt || p[0] == :rest g += ":\"&#{p[1]}\"" if p[0] == :block g += ":#{p[1]}" if p[0] == :req g += " => [\"Args description\", :ArgType],\n" end g += "\n\t" if params.length > 0 g += "}, true \# Maybe changed\n" g += "register_command :standard, 'Command.#{c}' \n\n" end FileTools.write(b, g) end r += ",\n\# #{RME::Doc.vocab[:orphans]},\# #{RME::Doc.vocab[:suggest]}\n" Checker.orphans.each do |c| keywords = Checker.undocumented_methods keywords.uniq! keywords.collect!{|i|i.to_s} keywords.sort_by!{|o| o.damerau_levenshtein(c.to_s)} s = (keywords.length >= 1) ? "Peut-être faudrait-il remplacer [#{c}] par [#{keywords[0]}]... mais je ne suis pas sur du tout..." : "Aucune suggestion" r += "#{c},#{s}\n" end FileTools.write(o, r) end end end end
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