Posté le 6 février 2013
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Please shield(subtract) two "bastes Bordelaise in an "anée of the Rhône".
Do the same between a "demi-coque" and a "saumée Provençale".
Then, having associated a "halbstuck of Rheineau", a "barillo Corse", a "busse de la Sarthe" and a "sixain", their to shield(subtract) a full "barbantane".
Take a full "bussard" and remove he the equivalent of a "tiercerolle du Gard", of an "anée de l'Isère and of a "manrée d'Anjou".
A "tierson" and a "boisseau" can then be removed from a "demi-feuillette".
To end you will merge "fass de Rheingau", "butt de Xérès" and "tiercerolle du Gard before shielding(subtracting) a "bassenne d'Anvers".
Good luck.

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