Posté le 4 avril 2014
Télécharger | Reposter | Largeur fixe

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top: 20px;
width: 900px;
.menu a{
color: black;
height: 40px;
{% if Custom('title_display') == 'OnABlackBox' or Custom('title_display') == 'OnADarkBox' %}
background: black;
color: white;
.menu a{
color: white;
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('add_margin_header') == false %}
margin: 0;
top: 0;
width: 940px;
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('title_display') == 'OnALightBox' or Custom('title_display') == 'OnADarkBox' %}
top: 60px;
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('custom_header') is empty and Custom('background_header') is empty or Custom('background_header') == 'none' %}
margin-bottom: 80px;
position: relative;
top: 60px;
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div id="fb-root"></div>
{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
<div class="ads ads-728x90">
{% ad(4) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#FFFFFF', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% endif %}
<div class="global clearfix">
<header class="blog-header" role="banner">
<div class="title">
<h1><a href="{{ Blog.Url }}" title="{{ Blog.Description }}">{{ Blog.Title }}</a></h1>
{% if not Custom('hide_description') %}
<p class="description">{{ Blog.Description }}</p>
{% endif %}

<nav class="menu" role="navigation">
<ul class="clearfix">
<li {% if isHome %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a class="selected" href="{{ Blog.Url }}">{{ Lang.Get('Home') }}</a>
{% if Custom('menu_link_label1') is not empty %}
<li {% if isHome %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a class="selected" href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url1') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label1') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('menu_link_label2') is not empty %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == "Custom('menu_link_label2')" %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url2') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label2') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('menu_link_label3') is not empty %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == "Custom('menu_link_label3')" %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url3') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label3') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('menu_link_label4') is not empty %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == "Custom('menu_link_label4')" %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url4') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label4') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('menu_link_label5') is not empty %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == "Custom('menu_link_label5')" %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url5') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label5') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('menu_link_label6') is not empty %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == "Custom('menu_link_label6')" %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url6') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label6') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('menu_link_label7') is not empty %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == "Custom('menu_link_label7')" %}class="selected"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ Custom('menu_link_url7') }}">{{ Custom('menu_link_label7') }}</a>
{% endif %}
<li><a href="/contact" title="{{ Lang.Get('Contact us') }}">{{ Lang.Get('Contact') }}</a></li>

{% if isHome and Custom('display_widget_slideshow') %}
<div class="slider-wrapper theme-default">
<div class="ribbon"></div>
<div id="slideshow" class="slideshow">
{% if Custom('pinned_tag') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.TaggedPosts(Custom('pinned_tag'), 10) %}
{% if TaggedPost.Cover is not empty %}
<a href="{{ TaggedPost.Url }}">
<img src="{{ TaggedPost.Cover|resize(940, 320)|crop }}" alt="{{ TaggedPost.Title }}" title="{{ TaggedPost.Title }}" height="320" width="940" />
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% else %}
{% list Posts %}
{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Post.Url }}">
<img src="{{ Post.Cover|resize(940, 320)|crop }}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" title="{{ Post.Title }}" height="320" width="940" />
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

<div class="content-global clearfix">
<section class="left-content" role="main">
{% if isSpecial %}
<article class="post special">
{{ SpecialContent }}
<div class="ads-ctn ads-620x250 clearfix">
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% else %}
{% if isSearch or isTag %}
<h2 class="special-title">
{% if isSearch %}
{{ Search.ResultCount }} {{ Lang.Get('search results for') }} &ldquo;{{ Search.Keyword }}&rdquo;
{% else %}
{{ Tag.PostCount }} {{ Lang.Get('posts with') }} <strong>{{ Tag.Title }}</strong>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% list Posts %}
{% if isSingle %}
<article class="post">
<header class="header">
{% if Post.Title is not empty %}
{{ Post.Title }}
{% else %}
{{ Lang.Get('A post from') }} {% list Post.Sources %}{{ Lang.Get(Source) }}{% if not loop.last %} {{ Lang.Get('and') }} {% endif %}{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if isPost %}
<p class="meta">
<span class="meta-date">{{ Lang.Get('Published on') }}
<time datetime="{{ Post.Date }}" data-hover="{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}">
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}
{% if Post.Author.Nickname is not empty %}
<span class="meta-author">{{ Lang.Get('by') }} {{ Post.Author.Nickname }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% elseif Post.Author.Nickname is not empty %}
<p class="meta">
<span class="meta-author">{{ Lang.Get('Published by') }} {{ Post.Author.Nickname }}</span>
{% endif %}

<div class="body">
{{ Post.Body }}

<footer class="footer">
{% if Post.Tags is not empty %}
<div class="tags">
<p class="tag">
{% list Post.Tags %}
{% if loop.first is not empty %}
<span>{{ Lang.Get('Tagged on') }}</span>
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ Tag.Url|lower }}">{{ Tag.Title }}</a>{% if loop.last is empty %}, {% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('share_googleplus') or Custom('share_twitter') or Custom('share_facebook') or Custom('share_linkedin') or Custom('share_overblog') or Custom('share_pinterest') and Post.Cover is not empty %}
<div class="share">
<h3>{{ Lang.get('Share this post') }}</h3>
{% if Custom('share_googleplus') %}
<div class="google-share">
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-href="{{ Post.Permalink }}"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_twitter') %}
<div class="twitter-share">
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="{% if Post.Title is not empty %}{{ Post.Title }}{% elseif Post.Snippet is not empty %}{{ Post.Snippet}}{% else %}{{ Blog.Title }}{% endif %}" data-url="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-lang="{{ Blog.Lang }}"{% if Custom('twitter_username') is not empty %} data-via="{{Custom('twitter_username')}}"{% endif %}></a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_facebook') %}
<div class="facebook-share">
<div class="fb-like" data-href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="150" data-show-faces="false"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_linkedin') %}
<div class="linkedin-share">
<script type="IN/Share" data-url="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-counter="right" data-showzero="true"></script>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_overblog') %}
<div class="ob-share">
{{ Post.RepostButton }}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_pinterest') and Post.Cover is not empty %}
<div class="pinterest-share">
<a href="//{{ Post.Permalink }}&description={{ Post.Title }}" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-config="beside">
<img src="//" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if isPost %}
{% if Custom('display_widget_related') %}
<div class="related clearfix">
<h3>{{ Lang.Get('You might also like:') }}</h3>
{% list Post.Tags %}
{% if loop.first %}
{% list Blog.TaggedPosts(Tag.Title, 5) if TaggedPost.Permalink != Post.Permalink %}
{% if loop.index < 5 %}
<a href="{{ TaggedPost.Permalink }}" rel="bookmark" class="related-title" title="{{ Post.Title }}">
{% if Custom('related_display_cover') %}
{% if TaggedPost.Cover is not empty %}
<img src="{{ TaggedPost.Cover|resize(150)|crop }}" alt="{{TaggedPost.Title}}" width="150" />
{% elseif Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %}
<img src="{{ Custom('default_post_cover')|resize(150)|crop }}" alt="{{TaggedPost.Title}}" width="150" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if TaggedPost.Title is not empty %}
{{ TaggedPost.Title|truncate(50) }} -
{% endif %}
{{ TaggedPost.Date|datel(Lang.Get("Default date format")) }}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% list Blog.Posts(4, ['OB']) %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" rel="bookmark" class="related-title" title="{{ Post.Title }}">
{% if Custom('related_display_cover') %}
{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}
<img src="{{ Post.Cover|resize(150)|crop }}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" width="150" />
{% elseif Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %}
<img src="{{ Custom('default_post_cover')|resize(150)|crop }}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" width="150" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Post.Title is not empty %}
{{ Post.Title|truncate(50) }} -
{% endif %}
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get("Default date format")) }}
{% endlist %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% list Blog.Posts(4, ['OB']) %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" rel="bookmark" class="related-title" title="{{ Post.Title }}">
{% if Custom('related_display_cover') %}
{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}
<img src="{{ Post.Cover|resize(150)|crop }}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" width="150" />
{% elseif Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %}
<img src="{{ Custom('default_post_cover')|resize(150)|crop }}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" width="150" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Post.Title is not empty %}
{{ Post.Title|truncate(50) }} -
{% endif %}
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get("Default date format")) }}
{% endlist %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Navigation.PreviousPost is not empty or Navigation.NextPost is not empty %}
<div class="navigation" class="single">
{% if Navigation.PreviousPost is not empty %}
<a class="prev" href="{{ Navigation.PreviousPost.Permalink }}" title="{{ Navigation.PreviousPost.Title }}">&laquo; {% if Navigation.PreviousPost.Title is not empty %}{{ Navigation.PreviousPost.Title | truncate(20) }}{% else %}{{ Lang.Get('Previous post') }}{% endif %}</a>
{% endif %}

{% if Navigation.NextPost is not empty %}
<a class="next" href="{{ Navigation.NextPost.Permalink }}" title="{{ Navigation.NextPost.Title }}" >{% if Navigation.NextPost.Title is not empty %}{{ Navigation.NextPost.Title | truncate(20) }}{% else %}{{ Lang.Get('Next post') }}{% endif %} &raquo;</a>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
<div class="ads-ctn ads-620x250 clearfix">
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% endif %}

{% if isPost and Post.ShowComments is not empty %}
<div class="item-comments" id="comments" >
<h3>{{ Lang.get('Comment this post') }}</h3>
{% if Custom("comment") == "Facebook" %}
<div class="fb-comments" data-href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-num-posts="10" data-width="570"></div>
{% elseif Custom("comment") == "Disqus" and Custom('comment_disqus') is not empty %}
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
{% else %}
{{ Post.Comments }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<article class="post clearfix">
{% if Custom('display_mode') != 'All' and not Custom('big_cover') %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" class="post-sidebox" title="{{ Post.Snippet }}">
<time class="post-date" datetime="{{ Post.Date }}" data-hover="{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('simple date format')) }}">
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('short date format')) }}

{% if Post.Cover is not empty or Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %}
<div class="post-cover">
<img src="{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}{{ Post.Cover|resize(100,100)|crop }}{% else %}{{ Custom('default_post_cover')|resize(100,100)|crop }}{% endif %}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" width="100" height="100" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

<div class="post-content">
<header class="header">
<a title="{{ Post.Snippet }}" href="{{ Post.Permalink }}">
{% if Post.Title is not empty %}
{{ Post.Title }}
{% else %}
{{ Lang.Get('A post from') }} {% list Post.Sources %}{{ Lang.Get(Source) }}{% if not loop.last %} {{ Lang.Get('and') }} {% endif %}{% endlist %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('display_mode') == 'All' or Custom('big_cover') %}
<p class="meta">
<span class="meta-date">{{ Lang.Get('Published on') }}
<time datetime="{{ Post.Date }}" data-hover="{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}">
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}
{% if Post.Author.Nickname is not empty %}
<span class="meta-author">{{ Lang.Get('by') }} {{ Post.Author.Nickname }}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_mode') != 'All' %}
<div class="body clearfix">
{% if Custom('big_cover') and Post.Cover is not empty or Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %}
<div class="post-cover">
<img src="{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}{{ Post.Cover|resize(300,200)|crop }}{% else %}{{ Custom('default_post_cover')|resize(300,200)|crop }}{% endif %}" alt="{{ Post.Title }}" width="300" height="200" />
{% endif %}
<p class="snippet">{{ Post.Snippet }}</p>
{% else %}
<div class="body">
{{ Post.Body }}
<footer class="footer">
{% if Post.Tags is not empty %}
<div class="tags">
<p class="tag">
{% list Post.Tags %}
{% if loop.first is not empty %}
<span>{{ Lang.Get('Tagged on') }}</span>
{% endif %}
<a href="{{ Tag.Url|lower }}">{{ Tag.Title }}</a>{% if loop.last is empty %}, {% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('share_googleplus') or Custom('share_twitter') or Custom('share_facebook') or Custom('share_linkedin') or Custom('share_overblog') or Custom('share_pinterest') and Post.Cover is not empty %}
<div class="share">
<h3>{{ Lang.get('Share this post') }}</h3>
{% if Custom('share_googleplus') %}
<div class="google-share">
<div class="g-plusone" data-size="medium" data-href="{{ Post.Permalink }}"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_twitter') %}
<div class="twitter-share">
<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="{% if Post.Title is not empty %}{{ Post.Title }}{% elseif Post.Snippet is not empty %}{{ Post.Snippet}}{% else %}{{ Blog.Title }}{% endif %}" data-url="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-lang="{{ Blog.Lang }}"{% if Custom('twitter_username') is not empty %} data-via="{{Custom('twitter_username')}}"{% endif %}></a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_facebook') %}
<div class="facebook-share">
<div class="fb-like" data-href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="150" data-show-faces="false"></div>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_linkedin') %}
<div class="linkedin-share">
<script type="IN/Share" data-url="{{ Post.Permalink }}" data-counter="right" data-showzero="true"></script>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_overblog') %}
<div class="ob-share">
{{ Post.RepostButton }}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('share_pinterest') and Post.Cover is not empty %}
<div class="pinterest-share">
<a href="//{{ Post.Permalink }}&description={{ Post.Title }}" data-pin-do="buttonPin" data-pin-config="beside">
<img src="//" />
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

<p class="readmore">
{% if Custom('display_mode') != 'All' %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}">
{{ Lang.Get('Read more') }}
{% elseif Post.ShowComments is not empty %}
{% if Custom("comment") == "Disqus" and Custom('comment_disqus') is not empty %}
<a title="{{ Lang.Get('comments') }}" href="{{ Post.PermaLink }}#disqus_thread"></a>
{% else %}
<a title="{{ Lang.Get('comments') }}" href="{{ Post.PermaLink }}#comments">
{% if Custom("comment") == "Facebook" %}
<fb:comments-count href={{ Post.Permalink }}></fb:comments-count> {{ Lang.Get('comments') }}
{% else %}
{{ Post.CommentCount(Lang.Get('ncomment'), Lang.Get('ncomments')) }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
{% if Custom('display_mode') == 'All' and loop.first or Custom('display_mode') == 'Summary' and loop.index == 3 or Custom('display_mode') is empty and loop.index == 3 %}
<div class="ads-ctn ads-620x250 clearfix">
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<p class="error">
{% if isSearch %}
{{ Lang.Get('No result for this expression') }}.
{% else %}
{{ Lang.Get('No post') }}.
{% endif %}
{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
<div class="ads-ctn ads-620x250 clearfix">
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
<div class="ads ads-300x250">
{% ad(1) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if not isSingle and not isSpecial %}
{% pagination %}
{% endif %}

<section class="right-content" role="complementary">
<aside class="sidebar">
{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
<div class="widget ads ads-160x90">
{% if Custom('font_color') == 'Blue' %}
{# Blue #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#3a5599', 'link' : '#3a5599', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Green' %}
{# Green #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#50896e', 'link' : '#50896e', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Grey' %}
{# Grey #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#424242', 'url' : '#3530c7', 'link' : '#3530c7', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Iceberg' %}
{# Iceberg #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#869ab0', 'link' : '#869ab0', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Ivory' %}
{# Ivory #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#929266', 'link' : '#929266', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Orange' %}
{# Orange #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#e69f35', 'link' : '#e69f35', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Pink' %}
{# Pink #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#ff0066', 'link' : '#ff0066', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Purple' %}
{# Purple #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#800080', 'link' : '#800080', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% elseif Custom('font_color') == 'Red' %}
{# Red #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#525252', 'url' : '#cc183d', 'link' : '#cc183d', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% else %}
{# Défault Black #}
{% ad(12) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#000000', 'url' : '#6666ff', 'link' : '#6666ff', 'border' : '#ffffff'} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_blog_about') %}
<div class="widget about clearfix">
<h3>{{ Custom('about_title')|default(Lang.Get('About the blog')) }}</h3>
{% if Custom('about_info') is empty or Custom('about_info') == 'Blog' %}
{% if Blog.Avatar is not empty %}
<a class="avatar" href="{{ Blog.Avatar }}" title="{{ Blog.Title }}">
<img src="{{ Blog.Avatar|resize(100,100)|crop }}" width="100" height="100" />
{% endif %}
<p>{{ Blog.Description }}</p>
{% else %}
{% if Blog.Owner.Avatar is not empty %}
<a class="avatar" href="{{ Blog.Owner.Avatar }}" title="{{ Blog.Title }}">
<img src="{{ Blog.Owner.Avatar|resize(100,100)|crop }}" width="100" height="100" />
{% endif %}
<p>{{ Blog.Owner.Bio }}</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_follow_us') %}
<div class="widget follow">
<h3>{{ Custom('follow_us_title')|default(Lang.Get('Follow me')) }}</h3>
{% if Custom('facebook_username') is not empty %}
<li class="facebook">
<a href="{{ Custom('facebook_username') }}" target="_blank">Facebook</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('twitter_username') is not empty %}
<li class="twitter">
<a href="{{ Custom('twitter_username') }}" target="_blank">Twitter</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('instagram_username') is not empty %}
<li class="instagram">
<a href="{{ Custom('instagram_username') }}" target="_blank">Instagram</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('pinterest_username') is not empty %}
<li class="pinterest">
<a href="{{ Custom('pinterest_username') }}" target="_blank">Pinterest</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('foursquare_username') is not empty %}
<li class="foursquare">
<a href="{{ Custom('foursquare_username') }}" target="_blank">Foursquare</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('googleplus_username') is not empty %}
<li class="googleplus">
<a href="{{ Custom('googleplus_username') }}" target="_blank">Google+</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('linkedin_username') is not empty %}
<li class="linkedin">
<a href="{{ Custom('linkedin_username') }}" target="_blank">Linkedin</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('youtube_username') is not empty %}
<li class="youtube">
<a href="{{ Custom('youtube_username') }}" target="_blank">YouTube</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('flickr_username') is not empty %}
<li class="flickr">
<a href="{{ Custom('flickr_username') }}" target="_blank">Flickr</a>
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('bloglovin_username') is not empty %}
<li class="bloglovin">
<a href="{{ Custom('bloglovin_username') }}" target="_blank">Bloglovin</a>
{% endif %}
<li class="rss">
<a href="{{ Blog.RssUrl }}">RSS</a>
{% endif %}

{% if Blog.isAdEnabled %}
<div class="widget ads ads-300">
{% ad(14) with {'background' : '#ffffff', 'text' : '#9d928b', 'url' : '#9d928b', 'link' : '#000', 'border' : '#FFFFFF'} %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_twitter') and Custom('twitter_title') and Custom('twitter_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('twitter_number'), ['TW']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub twitter">
<h3>{{ Custom('twitter_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

{{ Post.Body(1) }}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/twitter">{{ Lang.Get('More tweets') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_facebook') and Custom('facebook_title') and Custom('facebook_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('facebook_number'), ['FB']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub facebook">
<h3>{{ Custom('facebook_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
<p class="no-margin">
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}">
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}
{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}"><img class="cover" src="{{ Post.Cover|resize(300) }}" /></a>
{% endif %}
<p class="no-margin">
{{ Post.Snippet }}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/facebook">{{ Lang.Get('More posts') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_googleplus') and Custom('googleplus_title') and Custom('googleplus_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('googleplus_number'), ['GP']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub googplus">
<h3>{{ Custom('googleplus_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
<p class="no-margin">
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}">
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}
{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}"><img class="cover" src="{{ Post.Cover|resize(300) }}" /></a>
{% endif %}
<p class="no-margin">
{{ Post.Snippet }}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/googleplus">{{ Lang.Get('More posts') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_foursquare') and Custom('foursquare_title') and Custom('foursquare_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('foursquare_number'), ['FS']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub foursquare">
<h3>{{ Custom('foursquare_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}"><img src="{{ Post.Cover|resize(300) }}" /></a>
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" class="title-fours">{{ Post.Title }}</a>

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/foursquare">{{ Lang.Get('More spots') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_instagram') and Custom('instagram_title') and Custom('instagram_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('instagram_number'), ['IG']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub instagram">
<h3>{{ Custom('instagram_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
{% list Post.Sections %}
{% if Section.Type == 'images' or Section.Type == 'video' %}
{{ Section.Body }}
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/instagram">{{ Lang.get('More pictures') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_youtube') and Custom('youtube_title') and Custom('youtube_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('youtube_number'), ['YT']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub youtube">
<h3>{{ Custom('youtube_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
<p class="no-margin">
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}">
{{ Post.Date|datel(Lang.Get('Default date format')) }}
{% list Post.Sections %}
{% if Section.Type == 'video' %}
{{ Section.Body }}
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/youtube">{{ Lang.get('More videos') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_flickr') and Custom('flickr_title') and Custom('flickr_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('flickr_number'), ['FL']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub flickr">
<h3>{{ Custom('flickr_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
{{ Post.Body }}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/flickr">{{ Lang.get('More pictures') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_pinterest') and Custom('pinterest_title') and Custom('pinterest_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('pinterest_number'), ['PT']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub pinterest">
<h3>{{ Custom('pinterest_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
{% list Post.Sections %}
{% if Section.Type == 'images' %}
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}">{{ Section.Body }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}

{% if loop.last %}
<p><a href="/social/pinterest">{{ Lang.get('More pins') }}</a></p>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_tumblr') and Custom('tumblr_title') and Custom('tumblr_number') is not empty %}
{% list Blog.Posts(Custom('tumblr_number'), ['TR']) %}
{% if loop.first %}
<div class="widget social-hub tumblr">
<h3>{{ Custom('tumblr_title') }}</h3>
{% endif %}

<article class="post">
{{ Post.Body }}

{% if loop.last %}
<a href="/social/tumblr">{{ Lang.Get('More posts') }}</a>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_pages') and Blog.Pages is not empty %}
<div class="widget pages">
<h3>{{ Custom('pages_title')|default(Lang.Get('Pages')) }}</h3>
{% list Blog.Pages %}
<li><a href='{{ Page.Url }}'>{{ Page.Title }}</a></li>
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_tags') and Blog.PostsTags is not empty %}
<div class="widget tags">
<h3>{{ Custom('tags_title')|default(Lang.Get('Categories')) }}</h3>
{% if Custom('tags_number') == '50NotRecommended' %}
{% list Blog.PostsTags(50) %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == PostsTag.Title %}class="active"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ PostsTag.Url }}">
{{ PostsTag.Title|title }} ({{ PostsTag.PostCount }})
{% endlist %}
{% else %}
{% list Blog.PostsTags(Custom('tags_number')|default(10)) %}
<li {% if isTag and Tag.Title == PostsTag.Title %}class="active"{% endif %}>
<a href="{{ PostsTag.Url }}">
{{ PostsTag.Title|title }} ({{ PostsTag.PostCount }})
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_free_html_1') %}
{% if Custom('free_title_1') or Custom('free_html_1') %}
<div class="widget freeModule">
<h3>{{ Custom('free_title_1') }}</h3>
<div class="box-content">{{ Custom('free_html_1') }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_subscribe') %}
<div class="widget subscribe">
<h3>{{ Custom('subscribe_title')|default(Lang.Get('Subscribe')) }}</h3>
<div class="box-content clearfix">
<p>{{ Lang.Get('Subscribe to be notified about future posts.') }}</p>
{% email_notification %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_last_posts') and Blog.Posts is not empty %}
<div class="widget last-posts">
<h3>{{ Custom('last_posts_title')|default(Lang.Get('Last posts')) }}</h3>
<ul class="clearfix">
{% list Blog.Posts(6) %}
{% if Post.Cover is not empty or Custom('default_post_cover') is not empty %}
<a class="cover" href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" title="{{ Lang.Get('More about') }} {% if Post.Title is not empty %}&quot;{{ Post.Title }}&quot;{% else %}{{ Lang.Get('this post') }}{% endif %}">
<img src="{% if Post.Cover is not empty %}{{ Post.Cover | resize(100) | crop }}{% else %}{{ Custom('default_post_cover') | resize(100) | crop }}{% endif %}" alt="" width="100" height="100" />
{% endif %}
<p class="caption">
<a href="{{ Post.Permalink }}" title="{{ Post.Snippet }}">
{% if Post.Title is not empty %}
{{ Post.Title|truncate(35, false, '...') }}
{% else %}
{{ Lang.Get('Published from') }} {{ Lang.Get(Post.getFirstSource) }}
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_search') %}
<div class="widget search" id="search">
<h3>{{ Custom('search_title')|default(Lang.Get('Search')) }}</h3>
<form class="search" action="/search" method="post">
<input type="text" value="" name="q" />
<input type="submit" value="{{ Lang.Get('Search') }}" />
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_blogroll') %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url1') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url2') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url3') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url4') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url5') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url6') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url7') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url8') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url9') is not empty or Custom('blogroll_url10') is not empty %}
<div class="widget blogroll">
<h3>{{ Custom('blogroll_title')|default(Lang.Get('Blogroll')) }}</h3>
<ul class="list">
{% if Custom('blogroll_url1') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url1') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name1') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name1') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url1') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url2') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url2') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name2') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name2') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url2') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url3') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url3') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name3') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name3') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url3') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url4') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url4') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name4') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name4') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url4') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url5') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url5') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name5') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name5') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url5') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url6') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url6') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name6') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name6') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url6') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url7') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url7') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name7') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name7') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url7') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url8') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url8') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name8') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name8') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url8') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url9') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url9') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name9') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name9') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url9') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if Custom('blogroll_url10') is not empty %}
<a href="{{ Custom('blogroll_url10') }}" target="_blank">
{% if Custom('blogroll_name10') is not empty %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_name10') }}
{% else %}
{{ Custom('blogroll_url10') }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_archives') and Blog.Archives is not empty %}
<div class="widget archives">
<h3>{{ Custom('archives_title')|default(Lang.Get('Archives')) }}</h3>
<ul id="archive-list">
{% list Blog.Archives %}
<li class="archive-year">
<a href="#">{{ Archive.Year }}</a>
<ul id="archive-year-{{ Archive.Year }}" class="archive-months">
{% list Archive.Months %}
{% if Month.PostCount > 0 %}
<li><a href="{{ Month.Url }}">{{ Lang.Get(Month.Name) }}</a> ({{ Month.PostCount }})</li>
{% endif %}
{% endlist %}
{% endlist %}
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_free_html_2') %}
{% if Custom('free_title_2') or Custom('free_html_2') %}
<div class="widget freeModule">
<h3>{{ Custom('free_title_2') }}</h3>
<div class="box-content">{{ Custom('free_html_2') }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
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<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

<!-- Fancybox -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

<!-- Nivo-slider -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>

{% if Custom('share_linkedin') %}
<script src="//" type="text/javascript">
lang: {{ Lang.Locale('full') }}
{% endif %}

<script type="text/javascript">
{% if Custom('google_analytics') is not empty %}
// Google Analytics
window.google_analytics_uacct = '{{Custom('google_analytics')}}';
var _gaq = _gaq || [];
_gaq.push(['_setAccount', '{{Custom('google_analytics')}}']);

(function() {
var ga = document.createElement('script');
ga.type = 'text/javascript';
ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
{% endif %}

$(document).ready(function() {
// FancyBox
$(".ob-section-images a, .ob-link-img, .asset-img-link, .avatar").attr("rel", "fancybox");
'overlayShow' : true,
'overlayColor' : '#000',
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
'type' : 'image'

// Google + button
window.___gcfg = {lang: '{{ Blog.Lang }}'};
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script');
po.type = 'text/javascript';
po.async = true;
po.src = '';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

// Twitter share + tweets
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "";

// Facebook comments + share
{% if Custom('share_facebook') or Custom("comment") == "Facebook" %}
(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "//{{ Lang.Locale('full') }}/all.js#xfbml=1&appId={{ Custom('facebook_appid')|default('284865384904712')}}";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
{% endif %}

// Pinterest
{% if Custom('share_pinterest') and Post.Cover is not empty %}
var f = d.getElementsByTagName('SCRIPT')[0], p = d.createElement('SCRIPT');
p.type = 'text/javascript';
p.async = true;
p.src = '//';
f.parentNode.insertBefore(p, f);
{% endif %}

{% if isPost and Custom('comment') == 'Disqus' %}
var disqus_shortname = '{{ Custom('comment_disqus') }}';
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement('script');
dsq.type = 'text/javascript';
dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = 'http://' + disqus_shortname + '';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
{% endif %}

{% if isHome and Custom('display_widget_slideshow') %}
effect : "fade",
animSpeed: 1000,
pauseTime: 5000,
slices: 1,
boxCols: 1,
boxRows: 1,
controlNav: false,
prevText: '{{ Lang.get("Previous") }}',
nextText: '{{ Lang.get("Next") }}'
{% endif %}

{% if Custom('display_widget_archives') %}
// Archives
// Hide years without months
$(".archive-year").each(function() {
if ($(this).find(".archive-months li").length == 0) {
$('.archive-year > a').click(function(event) {
{% endif %}

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