() : Information
=> : Category
-> : Sub menu
Red: "excluded" option
=> Main menu :
- Players list
- Self
- Weapons
- Spawn Vehicle
- Edit Vehicle
- Bodyguards
- Objects & Maps
- Manager global (allow to manage objects/guards/animals & modded car)
- Teleport Locations
- Online options
- All players
- Funny options
- World & Environment
- Settings
- Credits
=> Options on players :
- Animations forced ->
- Options véhicle ->
- Teleport to
- Teleport to me (on foot)
- Teleport to (Right/Left arrow for change)
- Players infos
- Recovery on player (5 options available, on character 1 & 2)
- Kick forced (non-host)
- Change level of player
- Give all weapons
- Remove all weapons
- Off radar player
- Player never wanted
- Kill in passive mode
- Kill in godmode
- Spawn (Right/Left arrow for change)
- Marquor ESP
- Trap in cage
- Steal outfit
- Send one message
- Give the mods perso (Teleport appart, Teleport at me, Explosive shoot, Fire ammo, Money shoot, Semi-Godmode & Deactivation)
- FX loop (12 FX available)
- Spectator mode
- Particles FX -> (27 particles FX)
- Attach objects ->
-> Animations forced :
- Stop animation
- Push-up
- Sit-up
- Celebrate
- Suicide
- Electrocute
- Private dance
- Pole-dance
- Zombie
- Dead
- Crawl
- Crazy
- Respect me now
- Hands up
- Hands up kneeling
- Busted
- Lamar
- Yoga
-> Edit Vehicle :
- Spawn vehicle -> (almost everything vehicles)
- Give invincible vehicle
- Max upgrade vehicle
- Fix & Wash vehicle
- Slingshot
- Delete vehicle
- Kick player of vehicle
-> Attach objects :
- Physical objects
- Remove objects attached
- Object on keyboard
- Test ped
- Ferris Wheel
- Air dancer
- Rock
- Orange ball
- White block
- Lamp
- Sprunk machine
- Cola machine
- Bank safe
- Car Wash Roller
=> All players :
- Animations forced -> (16 animations available)
- Teleport on foot
- Teleport to (Right/Left arrow for change)
- Give all weapons
- Remove all weapons
- Explode
- Marquor ESP
- Send one message
=> Self :
- Model List ->
- Godmode
- Never wanted
- Invisible
- Super jump
- Fast run
- Slowmotion
- Mobile radio
- Boss Mode
- YOGA Mode (NoClip)
- Breathe mode
- Shrink
- Edit player height
- Vision (11 visions available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Change Walk ->
- Animations ->
- Scenarios -> (18 scenarios available)
-> Model list :
- Model on keyboard
- Default male
- Default female
- Michael
- Franklin
- Trevor
- Clown
- Pogo
- Chief Epsilon
- Jesus
- Cosmonaut
- Impotent Rage
- Zombie
- Prisoner
- Buff Guy
- Mime
- Cop
- Fireman
- Scientist
- Doctor
- Alien
-> Change Walk :
- Walking style on keyboard
- Crawl
- Default male
- Default female
- Crouched
- Drunk
- Very drunk
- Cop in action
- Speedy
- Running
- Limping
- Rich
- Fat
-> Animations :
- Controllable animations
- 53 animations available
=> World & Environment :
- Near vehicles (7 options available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- No Water
- Weathers visible by all players
- Snow on ground
- Black Out
- Time of game
- Moon gravity
- Near vehicles textures (Normal / black or snowy)
- Sky color (10 colors available)
- Blood color (7 colors available)
- Traces of tires everywhere (available only Fun version)
- Neons veh interiors (8 colors and available only Fun version)
=> Weapons :
- Special weapons ->
- Give all weapons
- Remove all weapons
- Unlimited ammo
- Invisible current weapon
- Laser weapon
- 1 Shoot 1 Kill
- Rapid fire
- Super punch
- Explosive melee
- Explosive ammo
- Fire ammo
- Rainbow gun
- Big weapons
-> Special weapons :
- FX gun (6 FX available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Teleport weapon
- Money weapon
- Airstrike shoot
- Delete shoot
- Forge gun
- Car gun (18 vehicles available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Hash aiming
- Human armed (R2 for activate, 4 weapons available, Right/Left arrow for change)
=> Spawn vehicle (almost everything vehicles, 7 vehicles modded & creation of modded car with all vehs available)
=> Edit Vehicle :
- Driving modes ->
- Pimp your car -> (plates, engine, brakes, wheels, colors, etc.)
- Max Upgrade
- Fix & Wash vehicle
- Godmode car
- Invisible car
- Front Boost
- Rear Boost
- Rainbow car
- SpeedOmeter
- SpeedOmeter graphic
- On wheels (>)
- Stop immediately (L2)
- Suspensions height modded
- Wheels size modded
- No collision
- Auto lowrider
- Delete my car
- Delete all doors
- Neons (10 colors available & brightness adjustable, Right/Left arrow for change)
-> Driving modes :
- Hydraulics (L1 / R1)
- Road on walls
- Road on water
- Flying vehicles
- Drift (R1)
- Suspensions (L3)
- Wheelie (L3)
- Vehicles armed (L3 for activate, 6 weapons available, Right/Left arrow for change)
=> Teleport Locations (11 teleport classics with teleport to waypoint, 8 teleport interior & 12 teleport glitchs)
=> Online options :
- Protections ->
- Name color (12 colors available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Change name PSN
- Off radar
- No Idle Kick
- Talking players
- Set max players to 18
- Erase reports
- Who is Host
- Remove Bad Sport
-> Protections :
- Detect attack modder (detect and annul with message : kick no-host / change level / force appart / force activity / force prologue / force flight school / play sound / Fake Quit / Block camera / Block interaction menu)
- Anti animations forced
- Anti edit stat & anti disable account
- Anti object attachments
- Clones & Peds
- Vehicles
- Particles FX
- Delete eclipse windmill (Remove windmill placed in garage)
- Detection slot SCTV
- Anti edit time/weather
- Anti play sound on entity
- Anti remove weapons
- Anti clear tasks
- Anti control vehicle
- Anti kick votes
- Anti admin kick
- Anti explode
- Freez vehicle protection (in beta mode)
- Anti detection menu (spoof infos & menu)
- Protection Galerium <> Galerium (enabled for ever)
=> Funny options :
- Ride animals ->
- Particles FX -> (Size particles FX & 27 particles FX)
- Particle Man (5 choice available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Hulk Mode
- FX loop (12 FX available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Water intensity
- Dominos
- Superspeed
- Cargobob magnetic
- 007 Mode
- Super jump BMX
- Drive trains
- Forklift mode
- Camera zoom
- Attach rope to near vehicle
- Money bag in front
- Smoke & FX color (8 colors available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Minimap color (8 colors available, Right/Left arrow for change)
-> Animals :
- Manage Animals ->
- Deer
- Coyote
- Husky
- Lion
- Chop
- Cow
- Pig
- Boar
-> Manage Animals :
- Ride animal
- Axis X
- Axis Y
- Axis Z
- Teleport to Me
- Teleport to Animal
- Delete
=> Bodyguards :
- Manage Guards ->
- Formation type (Default / in circle / in line, Right/Left arrow for change)
- 13 guards available whose Niko Bellic & John Marston + guard on keyboard
-> Manage Guards :
- Set As Guard
- Remove as Guard
- Teleport to Me
- Teleport to Guard
- Explode
- Delete
- Weapon (8 weapons available, Right/Left arrow for change)
- Pole Dance
- Stripper Fucking
- Stop Animation
- Assign to COP
=> Objects & Maps bypass :
- Objects Manager ->
- Objects & Maps bypass ->
- Modded maps ->
- Physical objects
- 25 objects normal + object on keyboard
-> Objects Manager :
- Edit in realtime
- Precision (0 at 10)
- Axis X / Y / Z
- Pitch & Roll (rotations)
- Snap To Ground
- Attach to vehicle
- Copy Object
- Delete Object
-> Modded maps :
- Airport ramps 1
- Airport ramps 2
-> Objects & Maps bypass :
- Apartments -> (9 apartments available)
- Houses -> (18 houses available)
- Downtown
- Airport
- UFO black (Spawn 1x at Ford Zancudo before)
- UFO sea (Spawn 1x at North of the Map before)
- Dino pink (Spawn 1x at Windmills before)
- Halfpipe
- Flat ramp
- Fun box
- Kickers
- Quarter pipe
- Rail
- Spiner
- Structures & various ->
-> Structures & various :
- Big animal skeleton
- Tower crane
- Large cylindrical silo
- Square water
- Neon bar ''cold beer''
- Neon bar ''liquor''
- Neon bar ''logger''
- Neon bar pistols ''beer''
- Neon bar bottle ''beer''
- Ladder 1
- Ladder 2
- Ladder 3
- Ladder 4
=> Settings :
- Shader ->
- Background ->
- Marquor ESP player -> (colors & type of marquor)
- Marquors 3D -> (colors, enabled for Waypoint and marquors ESP)
- Edit X Axis (position of menu)
- FPS counter
- Show temperatures
- Animated globe
- Externals texts
- Display HUD alien
- Read file .ini
- Save file .ini