Posté le 29 septembre
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South Korea's national LoL team defeats Saudi Arabia 2-0

The Korean National League of Legends team enters the mix zone after their match, including, from left, Zeus, Chobi, Kanabi, and Ruler.

The South Korean national League of Legends (LoL) team has advanced to the quarterfinals. They will face the Chinese National Team, who defeated the Korean team at the Jakarta-Palembang Asian Games.

The next quarterfinal matchup against China will take place on April 28 at 10 a.m. ET.

The Korean ROL team played their quarterfinal match against Saudi Arabia at the Esports Auxiliary Stadium located inside the Beijing Yuan Ecological Park in Gongsu District, Hangzhou, China on July 27. The result was a dominant 2-0 victory.

It took just 38 minutes to complete the first and second sets. This is very fast considering that games usually take around 30 minutes in the ROL Pro League.

Chobi (Jeong Ji-hoon-22), who started the day, took out Tristana in the first set and Yone in the second. These are the champions that Chobi dominated in the regular season.

There were no changes to the lineup in Game 2. Chobi continued to play in Game 2 after recording a no-die in Game 1.

Chobi smoothly pressured the Saudi's counter-liner (opponent in the same position) in Game 1. When his opponent gave up and went for the bottom, he counterattacked with Kanabi (Seo Jin-hyuk-22). After winning the 4:4 battle in a big way, he closed out the game without letting up.

The second set was no different. The Saudis tried to replicate Korea's two-deal strategy from Game 1 (borrowing two ranged dealer characters), but were unsuccessful.

In fact, the skill gap was even wider than in Game 1. In the sixth minute, Zeus and Ruler got solo kills from the opposing liner, but it didn't halt the momentum.

The second set was wrapped up in 17 minutes. The Korean team shaved more than four minutes off the first set's 21 minutes.

Teamwork was also solid. The Zeus-Kanavi call in Game 1 was a prime example. Kanabi, who was trying to make a comeback after eating the top jungle at the time, came running when Zeus told him he had dodged an opponent's attack.

"I was worried about Zeus being bitten, but when he said he dodged a sonic (attack), I folded my golem and ran," Kanabi said in the Mix Zone after the game, adding, "The calls between teammates went well."

South Korea will now prepare for tomorrow's quarterfinal against China. It was initially predicted that South Korea and China would compete for the gold medal at the Asian Games, but they will meet in the quarterfinals.

"China is our biggest rival right now and they're a strong team, but we're going to do what we always do," Kanabi said. "We're going to take care of our liners and not let their jungle bother us."

Meanwhile, the Korean team arrived at the auxiliary stadium at 8:32 a.m. ahead of the 10 a.m. (KST) match. China's team showed up later, at 9:11 a.m. ET.

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