Posté le 9 décembre
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“Yankees ban on beards is really weird,” criticizes former Yankee Maybin

Yankees players can't grow beards or hair

Former major leaguer Cameron Maybin (36) criticized the Yankees' rule that prohibits players from growing beards, calling it a "strange rule."

Maybin wrote on his social network service (SNS) on the 8th (Korean time), “Yankees fans may not like this opinion, but if the rule regarding beards is eliminated, the Yankees will become a more attractive team.”

He also added that not only he but many other players share this opinion.

“You’d be surprised how many great players think this rule is weird,” Maybin said. As 2024 approaches, I guarantee that if these regulations are eliminated, the team will become more attractive. “This is a story that comes from conversations and experiences I had during my actual career as a player,” he added.

The New York Yankees, considered one of the most prestigious teams in the U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB), have strict rules regarding appearance.

Players are not allowed to grow any beards other than a well-groomed mustache, and long hair is also prohibited. This is a rule established by former club owner George Steinbrenner and has been followed since 1976.

Even players who used to grow long beards must shave cleanly and wear uniforms when they join the Yankees. There are no exceptions for any star player.

Although it is a tradition that has been maintained for over 40 years, some continue to criticize it as anachronistic.

“It’s pretty bizarre to tell a grown man he can do anything to his face while playing for a team,” Yahoo Sports said. “It is not surprising that some players raise issues with the two-leg rule,” he pointed out.

Cy Young Award winner David Price, who signed a large seven-year contract worth $217 million with the Yankees' rival Boston Red Sox ahead of the 2016 season, said he would not sign with the Yankees because of this rule.

Maybin, who raised questions about the Yankees' regulations, had previously worked for the Yankees.

Maybin, a representative 'Journeyman' who played for 10 big league clubs from 2007 to 2021, wore a Yankees uniform in 2019. In 82 games that year, he batted .285 with 11 home runs, 32 RBIs, 48 ​​runs, and 9 stolen bases.

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