Posté le 26 décembre
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Understanding the TEAS Exam: What You Need to Know
1.         Reading Comprehension
2.         Mathematics
3.         Science
4.         English and Language Usage
Why the TEAS Exam Is Crucial for Nursing School Admission
The TEAS exam is a critical factor in nursing school admissions. Many nursing schools across the United States use the TEAS test to determine if applicants possess the essential skills needed for success in nursing programs. The results from the exam are often considered alongside other application requirements, such as GPA, clinical experience, recommendation letters, and personal statements.
Since many nursing programs have limited slots and thousands of applicants, excelling on the TEAS can give you a significant advantage in the selection process. Nursing schools want to ensure that their students are academically prepared for the rigors of the program, and the TEAS exam helps them evaluate this.

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