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Understanding the Series 6 Exam
Before diving into the benefits of using a Series 6 dump sheet, let’s look at what the exam entails.
Who Needs the Series 6 Exam?
The Series 6 license allows professionals to sell packaged investment products such as mutual funds, variable annuities, and unit investment series 6 dump sheet trusts (UITs). It is typically required for:
•         Financial Advisors
•         Investment Professionals
•         Insurance Agents dealing with securities
•         Bankers involved in investment product sales
Series 6 Exam Structure
The Series 6 exam consists of 50 multiple-choice questions covering four main sections:
1.         Seeks Business for the Broker-Dealer (12%)
2.         Opens Accounts and Obtains Information (18%)
3.         Provides Customers with Information About Investments and Suitable Recommendations (50%)
4.         Obtains, Verifies, and Confirms Transactions (20%)
Candidates have 90 minutes to complete the exam and must score at least 70% to pass.


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